Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I Want to Scream!!!


But first, we dance :)

I'm training. That's good. I took Sunday off. Monday AM I did an easy swim drill workout. Mid-day I got on the bike for 1 hour--my intent was to ride/spin easy. Well that is just way too boring so I did my usual warmup and then ramped up for some 90% of FT time (2x10' w/2' rest) and ended up with some 30/30's. The nice thing about 30/30's is that depending on how hard the workout was before you do them, you can really crank out some watts. Since my preceding time was relatively easy, I was hitting some really sweet numbers. I almost rode more than an hour, but stopped myself, knowing that HIM recovery can be iffy.

Yesterday I ran. The plan was to run 1 hour easy, which means Z1-Z2. Well, you know the drill. That is BORING. But I did it for :45, and then I went to run on the track because I couldn't stand it any longer. I ran 10', trying to keep it maybe Z3, but I ended up in upper Z3. Then I was REALLY going to run for 5' easy, but after 2 laps, I was lapped by a hottie dude, and I figured I could keep up with him (I had been running faster than him for the earlier bout), and I am pretty sure he sped up knowing I was on his tail. I felt fine holding his pace, but my leg muscles were screaming STOP. So I did. I talked to the guy, Nicola--turns out we had met last summer in the pool. Nice guy. He's training to geta position as a professional soccer referee! And you know how much they run! I gave him some tips (unbelievable, I know) on his running, since I had watched him run. Pretty good form except he needs to up his cadence. He was happy for the advice, saying he'd never had someone watch him run before.

Well I knew pretty much within an hour that I shouldn't have run on the track AT ALL, but I still had a strength workout to do, which I began after finishing work for the day. Fuuuuuuuck...I wanted to cry I felt so wiped out! But I did most of the workout (56' worth), and I have about 10' to finish up today. I'm glad I did it and I feel fine today.

This morning I wake up at 5AM ON MY OWN (my body knows that spring is coming), but manage to fall back asleep for about :30 and then the I hear the coffee pot start up, so it's time to get up, then put on PJ's, get a cup of coffee, check my email, and find that I need to get some documentation over to my tax accountant, so I print that stuff off, put it in an envelope, get my swim bag together, prep my goggles, put on my swimsuit and real clothes, take the garbage and recycleables out to the curb, grab 1/2 cup more coffee, get in the car, drive to the tax accountant to drop the stuff off (made it there by 6:30), have a short little stress cry in the car listening to the song 'Keep Control' (lyrics following) while driving to the Y to swim, get in for a 2800 yard workout and thank GOD the pool is nice and cold (but sadly, there is no scenery today), am swimming pretty well (I guess the increase in intensity and yardage is starting to work) and decide it's so nice I may as well make it an even 3,000 yards (especially since I'm wearing my brand-spanking-new custom Crackhead suit), get out, shower and shave, figure I have a few minutes to spend in the sauna to stretch/decompress (7' as it turned out), get dressed, drive home, log into work and want to scream as I have 2 customer calls this morning that will be challenging, but hey, I heard ducks flying over my house at 6:00AM so they must know that spring is coming, right? and on the way home I heard a cardinal singing and I know I am going to want to scream several times today but I think I'll make it through.

think it's time to put an end to it
try clean my head again
start to resuscitate my engine
try to walk back where i ran

keep control, of me
try to keep the frequency
keep control, of me
try to keep the frequency

i break up all the things behind me
going on the other way
try to find myself again slowly
to move on the other day

keep control, of me
try to keep the frequency
keep control, of me
try to keep the frequency

something new has moved into my life
an essential missing part
takes control of my past addiction
and reanimates my heart

keep control, of me
try to keep the frequency
keep control, of me
try to keep the frequency

keep control..


Michael Lardizabal said...

SHeeeellllaaaa !

Wat up .

I thought your Indoor N.Man post was huge !

Good to see your off to a great start.

Big Hug.


effendi said...

Geez, someone's a little impatient these days :P

It sounds like it's going well though - you seem to be handling the intensity pretty well. Just make sure to give yourself good downtime / recovery - I know when I start having stress issues and wanting to cry, it can be I'm pushing a bit too hard.