Friday, June 13, 2008

Good Luck to IMCDA Racers!

I know it's a week away and all, but it just seemed time to post a good luck message in case I forget next weekend, since I might be HTFU'ing up in Wisconsin. So here you go--Rob, Rich, Pattie and whoever else is racing IMCDA, I want to wish you the very BEST of luck--know that you are in the best shape of your life, and I'm right behind you getting ready for IMLP (just 4 weeks after you). I know what you will go through; I know how you will feel; I know all of that. Get your head into your game now and let it all go, and remember this:

To achieve satisfaction in everything
Desire it in nothing.
To possess everything,
Desire to have nothing.
To be everything,
Desire to be nothing.
To know everything,
Desire to know nothing.

And here are some pics of another in-shape person to remind you of what you've been doing:

1 comment:

effendi said...

That tan says more abut your hard core training then any # :D