Monday, June 02, 2008

I Should Write for Inside Triathlon

So the issue I just received (I still do not know why I get these magazines--not learning anything, OK pretty pictures especially of BIKES) has an article called "2 Ironmans in 3 Months Can You Handle It?

Yes. 2003 DNF'ed IMWI (after 1/2 the marathon so close enough); GFT 8 weeks later
Yes. 2004 IMCAN and then IMHI 7 weeks later
Yes. 2007 IMLP and then full NothingMan 7 weeks later
Yes. 2008 IMLP and then full NothingMan 7 weeks later again


Why are they asking me??? And why are they giving people THREE MONTHS to do a double? That is just plain wussy.

As you should know by now, I am the totally wrong person to ask, "Can I....?" It should not be a question of can--it should be a question of are you fit enough. Should I have done it in 2003? Maybe not, because I did suffer at GFT, and by suffer I mean my legs were not right and I wasn't really fit enough for the double so close together. In 2004? No problemo. First and second fastest IM's at the time. 2007? Piece of cake. 2008? I'm looking more forward to NothingMan 2 ("Nothing is Impossible if you Really Try") than IMLP, because do you know how fit I will be after IMLP? Really fucking fit! And then I just roll that fitness on to NothingMan 2 with a ton of biking, a little swimming, and maintenance running.

Actually, I think it's better that you don't separate your double by more than 3 months. Why? Because otherwise you really risk burnout. Which is why in 2006 I did Brazil and was registered for Florida, and they were just so far apart, I couldn't mentally handle that I'd need to stay fit for that long, and there is no way I could slack in between. So I just bagged IMFL. I had boatloads of fun biking a lot, and look what has happened since that time...

Now if you qualify for Kona early in the year, you've got some serious mindset adjustments to make so you don't burnout. I hope I have that problem one of these days...

I swear, I could write books...


Aaron said...

IM Brazil in 2006, eh? We'll have to talk, if I ever register..

Crackhead said...

Brazil is a great race. Too bad my Mom had died one month before and I had a sinus infection, but still, at the time it was my 2nd fastest Ironman! It's nice weather, flat bike course (some wind), flat run course, good for huge PR's.

Click on the Race Report label and you should find my writeups, although the first one I was PO'ed until I realized what had happened.