Made it to Lansing, MI on Tuesday, stayed in a dive (sort of) motel, had a decent dinner late and passed out. I figured I'd let myself sleep in, but then I'm used to the early wakeup time, which came in handy as I transitioned to EST. I woke up at 5:30AM, and after 2 bad cups of Super 8 coffee, I hit the road.
I think I was in Canada within a couple of hours. Crossing into Ontario, the scenery looked exactly like the US! How unusual! Getting through the Toronto metropolitan area (it's HUGE) saw a bit of traffic, but basically I had the hammer down, after learning how to spot the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) in time to slow down.
I should have figured I'd get lost or something in New York, and I made a wrong turn that cost me about 80 miles. But they were scenic :). If I hadn't made that error, I would have beat the Mapquest time by over an hour, so in the end, I didn't really lose that much time!
Before I checked in at the rental house, I stopped to get some local brew--Magic Hat (from Burlington, Vermont) and Lake Placid Ubu. I took all my stuff out of my car, enjoyed the view from the house, had dinner at Tale O' the Pup, and shortly after I arrived back at the ranch, Cindy arrived. Good times!
As you can see, the official palm tree of the Tiki Hut is at the ready, and I guess I decided to abuse it. I'm sure there will be additional palm tree rides as the weekend progresses.
The weather is beautiful, and I'm going for a swim soon. As of right now, weather for Sunday looks excellent, but that could change. Meanwhile, TV's in the lodge are set to TWC.
YAY.....glad you made it safe and sound. I can't wait to be there tonight!!!!!!!!!! Save a beer for me eh??
make that course your beeeyotch...
long live the palmtree
Kick ass. And be safe.
Go kick some hard ass on Sunday!!
What the fuck... no post the day/night before race day? BOOOOO! The crack must be wearing off or something.
Bust some ass out there!!!!!
(I presume I search "Grand Master Crackhead" for athlete tracking?)
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