Wednesday, December 03, 2008


I have finally put together a training plan for my season. Even though it officially began the week after NothingMan (9/15/2008), I've been pretty much running on whatever I can get done since then, with a sketchy plan in place in my head for the past 8 weeks or so.

After knocking out so many things on my general to do list, and registering for (hopefully) the last race I will be doing this season, I felt ready to sit down and make a plan. I have a little more checking to do, but below shows the progression of hours by sport. If you are interested in the actual workouts that I have scheduled (i.e., you want the actual plan), let me know and maybe we can work something out! Although, YOU are not ME and probably shouldn't train like me, even if you were doing the exact same races as me! But if you're a triathlon perv and want to see them anyway, let me know.

It looks good on paper, and here are some things you might notice:
  • Lots of swimming in the summer. Is this because I think it will make me faster? Nope. It's because I absolutely adore swimming at the outdoor 50-meter pool. Plus, swimming is a good recovery activity for me. Plus I enjoy being tan! Plus I enjoy the scenery at the outdoor pool! But there is one good training reason--that Escape from the Rock race in September is in the San Francisco Bay, so I want to be plenty strong, in a muscular endurance sense, to conquer that beast, especially since I'll be just 2 weeks off from my second Ironman of the season!
  • My actual biking numbers will be higher to the tune of 1.5-2 hours per week, since I'll once again ride Clipless Fuck to the outdoor pool whenever I go there.
  • I'm a Crackhead!

Training through Triple T

Training after Triple T through end of 2008-2009 season


D said...

Hold on a second... are you doing IMC? Did I know this and forget? THAT'S FUCKING AWESOME! 09 is gonna be the best IMC EVER!

Bill said...

I'm jealous. I've yet to pull my head out of my ass for 2009. But then again, 2008 ended just over a week ago for me.