Friday, April 24, 2009

Another Breakthrough Run Yesterday!

I was still feeling fatigued yesterday morning, so extra caffeine was in order. After I finished my usual 3 mugs, I made some more and had another 2. And still I wanted that oomph before my first 2-hour run of the year, so right before I left for Waterfall Glen, I drank some Ultra Violence.

It was a gorgeous day, but a little on the cool side. So cool, in fact, that I was wearing long pants, a long sleeved shirt and a light jacket on my way there. My metabolism is a little screwball right now, and in between meals and workouts I seem to be cold. Once I eat, though, the engine fires right up and of course when I begin working out.

When I arrived, I stripped off the pants, shirt and jacket and still had a singlet on. I stood outside my car and declared it warm enough to go without the singlet. It was almost 12:30 and bright sunshine for the most part.

I chugged about 10 oz. of Gatorade so that I could run for 1/2 hour before needing to drink more, which meant I could carry one 12 oz. bottle to get me through another hour of running. The plan was to do a full loop (9.65 miles), grab more Gatorade, and do another out and back to make my 2 hours.

When I started running (counterclockwise--there is a debate as to which way this trail is harder--next time I'll run it clockwise and get back on that), my legs felt like they were a little worked, especially since I'd done some strength training early in the day, and well, I've just been piling it on and I had run hills the day before at a pretty good clip, so I expected it.

First mile in 8:54. Which included walking 2 hills. Not bad, in fact, I usually don't go under 9 minutes for this first mile. Next mile 8:46, then 8:45, 8:44 and the big downhill into "the hole" in 8:28. OK, I'm seeing a pattern here. Fairly even pacing, no matter the hill content. Hmmm.... this is a new thing for me. Climb out of the hole in 9:01, and then the next mile in 7:50? WTF??? But it must be marked wrong because the next one was 9:40, so that averages out to...8:45, then a 9:05 (I started to feel tired), and the last .65 in 4:58. So the full loop in 1:24.16 for a pace of 8:44. Huh! That's a PR for me, for sure, now let's see if I can keep it up.

I continued back counterclockwise to get to 1:35 time before going back to the car for more Gatorade, and then I went clockwise, out for 12:40 and then back, and I know what the distances are and my pace was even faster than when I ran the main loop.

When I added up all the alleged extra mileage, I either ran 14 or 14.5 miles in 2 hours. Never did that before! I wasn't shelled afterwards and didn't feel like I had just raced--I just felt like it was a good effort in hills, and I swear I have never felt so good running in there! I also noticed that I run downhill better than ever, which must explain some of the sub-8 miles. Again, I think that the jump rope has just toughened up my legs and they are stronger in the hills now.

Now I'm excited about my next 2-hour run which won't be for 2 weeks, since next week is BIG HUGE FUCKING BIKING WEEK and I won't be doing a long run at all. I wanted to do an ice bath right after the run, but couldn't because I needed to get back to work and a few things heated up, but I did manage to stretch really well, went for a routine medical test, came home and ate some lasagna and a big salad and a couple of beers, passed out blissfully despite all the caffeine I'd had, and I woke up this morning HUNGRY!!!

I feel pretty good this morning, and will be doing some "crap," some swimming, my last little bit of strength training and then a nice, easy (yeah right) run in the sun, maybe an hour since I cheesed out on my Monday run.

This weekend's plans include 60 miles on the bike Saturday with a brick run and then maybe 80 miles on Sunday. If I do all that, I'll get in 170 miles on the bike this week and I'm shooting for 200+ next week. Yee-haw!

I am truly flabbergasted by how well I'm tolerating all this training and getting faster at running to boot! As I usually say several times a year, I absolutely LOVE the training because you never know whether the stars will align for you on a given race day, and I've already had some good races this year, so all is good!

Happy Friday!


Molly said...

Congrats on the great run! Well done!!

Louis Hayes said...

My vote says that clockwise is harder. I've run that whole loop at least 20 times...probably split in half for each direction, with different starting points too (Zero, 3, 7). It's that hill from the 5 marker to the 4 marker that is unrelenting.