Monday, April 20, 2009

Weekly Workout Totals 04/13/2009-04/19/2009 and Weekend Report

Thankfully, Saturday was a day of flatness. With another warm day scheduled, but needing to sleep in in the morning, I drove LGL to Fermilab to ride and then run. The plan was to go for 70 miles or 4 hours, something like that, and then a :40-:45 brick run. The weather was gorgeous, and my legs were sore from all the running I'd already done. But nothing too bad.

I made it onto the bike a little before 10:00AM and got started wearing a bike jersey and arm warmers. I was quite comfortable, but figured I'd remove at least the arm warmers. I was about 13 miles into the first loop (out of 16), when I saw the sign for where the ring road entrance is off of Eola Road. You can see this on the map here, and the road I turned on is labeled Site 55. I looked behind me before I turned in for security guards and saw none, and thought what the hell, I'll get onto the ring road, which curiously enough, is called Ring Road.

I headed around counter-clockwise, and since I might get kicked off, I figured I should ride hard here. There is hardly any traffic in Fermilab to begin with, but on the Ring Road, zero. The road isn't totally smooth, but it's pretty nice. I actually thought I was on the smaller ring, but a friend had told me that ring is only 2 miles around, so when I got 2 miles in, I knew I must be on the big ring. I laughed to myself that I am in the big ring on the Big Ring! I did see a security guard driving around, but she just drove right past me.

I finished my first loop and it warmed up nicely, so I ditched the arm warmers, gloves (I don't want a glove line) and swapped the jersey for a singlet. It wasn't very windy, but the wind that was there was from the normal direction, WSW. On loop 2, I also ducked onto Ring Road, again using it as a high intensity interval, and it was great, same deal on loop 3, so I was at 60 miles. I decided to finish out by just riding down the central road (Batavia Road) out to the west gate (I parked at east gate) and back. I've never gone through the middle, but many cyclists just pass through Fermilab on this road.

Since I'd done some dinking around on side roads, I got my 70 miles in and then suited up to run. Of course, now the sun decides to come out, but I changed into running shorts and ditched the singlet. My legs felt much like they do at the start of an Ironman run, with all the running I'd already done for the week. My stomach felt like total shit, but too bad, that's normal, too. I ended up running the same amount as I had here a week before in the same amount of time. Hah! So more bike miles and same running, I couldn't complain!

Once I finished, I exited the lab and hit the McDonald's for a cheeseburger and small fries to get me home, and I managed to stretch out really well and wondered what Sunday would bring.

I slept really deeply Saturday night and Sunday morning dawned rainy as predicted. I was thinking I'd just ride 2 hours easy on the trainer, and was just about ready to head to the grocery store when a friend txted me did I want to go to "mt h?" I thought he meant Mt. Horeb in Wisconsin, but then I thought it's rainy and shitty, really? So I confirmed and yeah, Mt. Horeb. Of course I checked the weather forecast for up there and it looked marginally better than home. Still, I was feeling nearly shelled and had to think fast whether I wanted to go ride some serious hills. The route selection was about a 32-mile loop, and I've been in that area enough times to know how challenging it can be. I figured, what the heck, what's the worst thing that can happen? So I got my stuff together and we left around 9AM, driving in the rain much of the way until we were in Wisconsin and then it cleared up somewhat.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that although I didn't ride very fast, I was able to make it up the hills just fine without standing. I left the Ergomo display on mileage and didn't watch my power because I really didn't want to know! I knew that I'd be kicking out plenty! When all was said and done, I did 34 miles that had 2700 feet of climbing in it! Holy fucking shit! Nice for a "short" ride, huh? It took 2:22, but that was to be expected. My friend wanted to do the Blue Mounds Park climb (2.5 miles up), and I was happy to wait at the base while it rained. He was taking a little longer than I had predicted, so I began driving up the hill about 20 minutes in, but he was on his way down, and thanked me for my concern.

The next thing was my favorite part of the day, which was eating and drinking at the Grumpy Troll. We had the beer sampler that had like 16 different beers on it. All were good except for a few weird ones. Good food, great beer, awesome company and a hilly bike ride--that's a tough combination to beat! Driving back we got predictably silly, and when I got back in the house, I threw all the dirty clothes downstairs, showered, had a bite of steak and got to sleep.

This morning when I downloaded the Ergomo data I was pleased to see that I rode at 85% of FT yesterday. Fucking A! That is good stuff! Especially after what I'd already done for the week. Now all I have to do is see if I can swim and run this morning and then I get a massage this afternoon.

I did about an hour of extra crap that is not included below. So another solid week of training (check out that TSS!), and here comes another one!

Weekly Workout Totals 04/13/2009-04/19/2009
This week's totals are sponsored by HILLS!
Swim: 9250 yards (5.25 miles) in 3.28 hours; 18% of weekly workout time; approx. 1149 calories burned
Canadian: 8458.2 meters
Bike: Approx. 142.12 miles in 7.95 hours; 44% of weekly workout time; approx. 4555 calories burned; Total TSS=540
Canadian: 228.72 kilometers
Run: Approx. 37.36 miles in 5.56 hours; 31% of weekly workout time; approx. 2524 calories burned
Canadian: 60.13 kilometers
Strength: 1.23 hours; 7% of weekly workout time; approx. 308 calories burned
All Sports: Approx. 184.73 miles in 18.02 hours; approx. 8536 calories burned
Canadian: 297.29 kilometers
Sleep: 7.79 hours avg./night
Stretching: 2.53 hours. Massage: 1 hours

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