Wednesday, March 07, 2012


I thought I should write something quick about how my physique has changed through the years of doing all this nonsense.  I began triathlon (2000) in a sort of pudgy state--not fat by normal standards, but carrying a decent amount of weight that wouldn't do me any good biking or running.  I erroneously thought I could eat whatever I wanted, and we all know that just isn't true no matter how much training you do.
Fattie! Crackhead's first Ironman--Lake Placid, 2001.

I naturally began dropping some fat off as I continued to train, mostly due to becoming stronger and working at a higher intensity (note to people trying to lose weight by staying in their "fat burning" zone--that's a crock of shit--work hard!).  By 2004, I'd become fairly lean, and had gotten my eating habits back under control--mostly by monitoring quality of intake, but again, I was also upping the intensity.

Here I am at Ironman Canada 2004.  Who would have predicted I'd be swimming the full length of that lake 6 years later in Ultraman Canada?

Here I am finishing IMLP 2009, pretty much as lean as I've ever been, but there was some seriously muscle going on there, too. FYI, that is the time to beat at Ironman Canada this year, and hopefully by 20+ minutes!

I maintained through about 2008, perhaps leaning out just a tad more, but nothing too noticeable.  In 2009, I stepped up my training again, and as expected, it was reflected in my body comp.

Next, I began the Ultraman training cycle--lots more swimming, more strength work, and I decided no good would come from me obsessing about how much fat I was carrying--I might even need it for the race!   The one thing that did change, though, is my upper body became bigger from all the swimming.

My hips remained boyish, my ass remained huge, but I got me some shoulders, and put on a bit o' fat.  All good.

Since then, I've watched my diet more carefully to keep the fat off and improve my health, and it showed in recent blood work I had done.  Great cholesterol readings, fasting glucose, liver/kidney function.  All of it.  Doctor pronounced me pretty damn healthy for 55 years old.

During 2011, I only raced twice, and somewhere along the way, I decided I should up the weights.  It was time to revamp the strength training anyway.  The net result is interesting.  Yesterday, I dropped off Skull Kingdom for her annual tuneup and had my guy, Rich, look at me on her.  I haven't ridden Skull Kingdom since last September.  Between then and now, I kept up my heavier weights and did a boatload of swimming.  The result?  The only way I could describe it was that I felt "pinchy" in my chest/lat area.  Lo and behold, and I've known this for a few months, my pecs and lats are bigger than ever, and especially the lat development has necessitated a few changes in my bike fit!  I asked Rich what he did, and he moved my saddle back 5mm and my bars down maybe 2.  I told him that I am pretty sure that after I ride it for a few weeks that I will want the bars dropped some more.  I was really happy I had him check me out again, and I'll be back in probably a month for a re-check.  I don't have a picture to show for this, but will get one in a week when I pick up Skull Kingdom.

I also just got some more swimsuits (I know I don't NEED them!), and I've thought my existing ones were fitting me differently.  Well it's a fact.  I ordered up a size thinking it was my huge ass making them tighter, but it's not.  It's my upper body again!  The new suits are still pretty snug in my upper body, and I wish they were tighter in the ass area, but oh well.  I may still order my next ones down back to my normal size and just suffer with them being skin-tight. 

Aaaaaaaaaanyway...I find it fascinating how my body has metamorphosed throughout the years.  As of today, I can say with confidence that I will be shedding much fat--it is already difficult for me to shovel in enough calories, and I'm putting in some good intensity, too.  It will be interesting to see how I look just 8 weeks from now.  I've changed up my strength training again (as per coach), and I am still retaining solid pecs/lats work but now adding lots of lunges, so maybe my legs will look decent!  I know I shouldn't care what I look like but rather how I perform, but I can't help it--it makes me feel good to look good.  I've never thought I was particularly "face" attractive, so all I've got is this stinky old body to work with.  It has served me well, and I'm not forcing it into any particular shape--it will be whatever is the result of what I am doing now.  I promise to feed it well first for performance, but no worries I am getting plenty of flavor and enjoyment out of my food!

1 comment:

IronSnoopy said...

Interesting topic! I'm amazed at how my body has changed in the five years I've been training and racing for triathlon (rather than just running). I love having upper body muscles! And my legs have changed, too. All for the better. Looking forward to even more changes as I add intensity and more weighs.

Fun to watch you, too!