Monday, August 12, 2013

Cautiously Optimistic

So I established my training metrics (VDOT for running and FT for the bike; haven't done a swim test yet) based on how I did in the 1/2 NothingMan a week ago (is it really just a week ago?).  So this past week I had an opportunity to begin dialing in the run and bike zones to see how they feel and figure out if I'm calibrated properly (I am also inflicting this on Brad the Mongoose). Every single training session now, with the exception of a workout described as easy or as you feel (note there aren't too many of those!) is an opportunity to test whether I'm on track, falling back or getting faster.

Up until 7/29, I'd been putting in the training volume, but not doing structured workouts.  Those days are gone, and now I'm back to what I was doing in 2010 and earlier, which I know to be extremely speed, endurance and HTFU-producing, although typically by this point in an Ironman training cycle, I would have done a bunch of speed stuff for 3 or 4 months in the lead-up, but I digress.

I spent from July, 2012 to July, 2013 just fucking running (JFR), just fucking riding (also JFR), and swimming 2-3x/week (random swim workouts). I wasn't training for anything, and I wasn't feeling right, so I did a lot of really slow sessions on the bike and run.  No particular workouts, just the amount of time I felt appropriate. "Not training" for me meant I was averaging around 12 hours of working out per week.  That might not sound like much, but you do that every week in a year and it comes to 600+ training hours!  But for me, having been averaging 15-16 hours per week for 4 years straight, 12 hours was actually a light load.

A few people have said to me that perhaps the reason I'm feeling so good right now is that I got some "rest."  Well, yes, I did need rest, and I suppose it took catastrophic mind/body meltdown to get me to do it.  I'd been saying I was going to take a break, I was going to step away from Ironman (and further), I was going to ease back, but I never did from 2001-2012.  So yes, the rest was needed and may be playing a huge part in how I feel right now.

And how is that?  Based on just 2 weeks worth of metrics, it would appear that I am at least as fast as I was in 2009, and I may even have a shot at being faster!  I am cautiously optimistic, since 2 weeks worth of data does not an Ironman prediction make, but so far, so good.

On Saturday I did my first tempo run in ages.  My Zone 4 (threshold) training pace was to be 8:44, but when I did the workout and the first 10' of Z4 I came in at 8:19, and it felt FUCKING FANTASTIC! I ran easy for 5' and was at another mile marker to begin another 10' of Z4.  I actually thought I was dialing it back, as this included running up most of a 1-mile hill that is pretty hefty in elevation. Well, I came in at 8:19 again. I was like maybe this is a fluke and I will be trashed after this, because that pace is actually what my 5K pace should be right now. 

Well I wasn't trashed after that and went and did a 1-hour pretty hard ride, and THAT went well and I was able to hit the %'s of FT pretty much dead on.  And then I swam 1200 yards super easy (at that point I was tired!), so effectively I got in a reverse sprint-ish NothingMan on Saturday.

Now the real test would come yesterday.  I was going to do the Rotary Ride, which is an organized metric century, so 62 miles.  My plan was to get in 100+ miles of riding, and when I arrived at the start, I looked at the map and figured the best thing would be to do the full 62 and then repeat the 41-mile option. I stuck to my intended workout plan, which was 1 hour Z1, 30' Z3, 40' Z4, 10' Z1, 20' FT (Z5), 20' Z3, and then the rest Z1/Z2 as I felt.  I ended up riding 111 miles in 6:08, and my normalized power for the entire ride was smack in the middle of Z2, which is Ironman pace!  The ride had about 3500 ft. of climbing, so this was a fairly good indicator ride, and I feel great this morning, so it feels like I have my FT about right for now, but it may have some room for improvement!

This coming Sunday I'm riding the Bike Psychos 200k, and I would feel good if I can do that at average 18mph, which is the fastest I've ever done it.  It's a beautiful ride that passes through several of the Illinois State Parks that are along the Illinois River, so there are plenty of hills and usually a good dose of wind and heat.  One year I did the ride, it ended up being 131 miles, which normally I LOVE the extra miles, cuz you know, I paid to do the ride, so I'm getting my money's worth, right?  But that year, I don't think many of us were too happy with the extra miles, but we did them anyway.  I mean WTF are you supposed to do when you have 16 miles to get back to your car?

This week I also begin progressive long runs that start out easy and end with Z4 stuff, and the day before is a tempo run.  So here comes the REAL training now, and I'm actually excited about it!  Honestly, if I am even as fast as I was in 2009, that would be cool with me, and if I end up faster, gravy!  Hell, I'm 56, and most days I am amazed that I can even do this shit, you know?  There aren't many women that make it to their 50's and keep doing Ironman--menopause does a number on us, and then I guess many ladies would rather do other things, which is cool.  But I only started this shit when I was the ripe age of 44 (began running at 42), so in triathlon years, I am actually somewhat of a baby.  The other gals in my age group that I know are brutally strong, too, because you don't get here without being that way. 

I've been pinching myself and brought myself to tears a few times in the last few weeks over how great I feel, and I have such gratitude for RIGHT NOW.  All of this might come crashing down, but for now, life is pretty great, and I'm going to ride the high tide as long as I can!

You know for the period of time I was not writing to this blog, I'd been thinking that I wasn't going to ever bring it back.  You know why?  Because I thought that I didn't want anyone new that I met to go and read it and think I was some sort of whacked out psycho chic.  But you know what?  Maybe that is part of what I am and maybe now I'm OK with it. Only I sincerely hope that people are able to recognize the other parts of me that are actually subdued and mellow.  I've always had that; it's just that unless people are willing to look under the hood and engage me in things outside of triathlon, they would never know. 

While I was riding yesterday, I spotted a bald eagle in a pine tree about 1/2 mile from the road I was on (Ashley).  I don't think anyone else on the ride yesterday saw it--I told one of the SAG drivers, and when I saw him later, he said he missed the eagle.  I rode by a couple of goats, and I bleated to them and they answered my call. I once again had the song "Bernadette" by the Four Tops playing in my head when I saw the sign for Bernadette Road off of High Point.  I let other people touch Skull Kingdom, and one of the volunteers even picked her up (with appropriate care) to let some novices feel how lightweight she is.  I'm mentoring one athlete (Maz) and coaching another (Brad). I'm enjoying my flower gardens now more than I think I ever have, I'm making time regularly for friends near (and far via phone) and trying to schedule some amount of "regular life" (i.e., movies, walks, a bit of entertaining). It feels good now--while I was training for Ultraman Canada, it was a huge grind, and I don't know if I want to do that kind of training again--but Ironman training?  Well, I guess I've figured out how to do it and have some sort of life outside it, even though I know that in a few weeks, extracurricular activities will be squeezed out.  But you know what?  I've even told some friends about it, and they are happy to see me at it again, even though they know it will cut into their time with me.  I think they've figured out just how much I love doing this.

I'm going to try and stay balanced, but for now, I'm cautiously optimistic that this is the good times with more to come!

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