Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Every Day is Race Day!

By the way, this is a puzzle which would make a fine birthday present for me!

So I'm feeling like my thyroid is working properly again taking 62.5mcg of Synthroid.  No more jumpy heartbeats.  I am still having trouble sleeping more than 7 hours per night, but that may just be how it goes when my body is working properly, so I am not going to obsess about it as long as I am able to hit my target paces/wattages during my workouts.

Speaking of which, Tuesdays are when I do a short, hard, interval ride.  Depending on what I did over the weekend (which now consists of A LOT of riding), I may or may not be fully recovered on Tuesdays to hit all the wattages, but I am close.  I am pleased that I am swimming pretty well (for me--still slow, but only have been at 10,000+ yds. for 4 weeks, and that is my minimum for swimming well and with a modicum of speed for an old lady adult onset swimmer) on Mondays, and then I just do an easy-ish run on Mondays.  Monday I give priority to my swim, which is what I should do.  I can run easy anytime, anywhere, and being tired from a good, hard swim session on Mondays is great, because then I won't run too fast when I am supposed to run easy!

Regarding the need for less sleep (maybe it will catch up to me one of these days), I have gotten myself on this bizarre sleeping schedule where I pass out at like 7:30 for 1-1.5 hours, wake up, watch a bit of TV and fall back asleep, but am typically up at 3AM.  This is hilarious to me, because during last winter and this year through June, I just could not get out of bed before 7AM!  What a dramatic shift this has been!  Seriously, though, every day I wake up just rarin' to go, and even if, like yesterday, I am fatigued or a bit sore, as soon as my workout says to FUCKING HIT IT I am on like a light switch.  So this morning, waking up just before 3AM, I thought to myself, hey, this is like a race day, because that is when I usually wake up on a race morning.  So it feels to me like every day is race day!  I am so excited to train and to be successful at my workouts for the day, and to hear how my mentees are doing, it just really pumps me up!

In going back and reading through older blog posts, I can see that I have felt this way in the past, and then I would hit a low spot and ponder why that happened and what might be wrong with me.  I think I am finally reconciling myself to the fact that this (extra happy and energetic yet blissfully at peace) is just how I am, that it is my normal state, and it's OK, and to hell with anyone who doesn't like it.  A good friend of mine who has outlasted any other friend I have has known me pre-triathlon and since.  She's witnessed my brain racing along, trying to get others to keep up with the train of thoughts and finding humor in just about anything, wanting to excel at work and hobbies, being honest and direct to a fault (although I've learned the fine art of schmoozing and also not giving a fuck) and struggling to acquire social skills (some of which are still lacking--I'm still trying!).  That is me in a nutshell. Yes, there have been times when I've fallen off the unicorn-in-paradise high, and perhaps those times can be in part attributed to my thyroid not working properly, or maybe they are just in line with a normal human existence.  At any rate, I have survived those things and other things far worse, so I am going to do my best to not question where I am at right now and just enjoy the shit out of it.

Yay!  It's race day again!

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