Friday, February 24, 2006


Ever play this game with someone while swimming, biking or running?

  1. You never actually let on that you are playing the game. It's all in your head.
  2. You must be faster than the other person or willing to pick up the pace significantly so that you are moving faster for a decent period of time.
  3. You are not allowed to play with someone that you are working out with unless you've agreed with one another that if either of you begins playing the game, nobody gets offended. For example, you are swimming intervals together. Most likely each of you is playing against the other anyway. Or you are near the end of a run. It's only natural to behave like it's the end of a race and go for it! Or you're riding together and you spontaneously decide it's time for a sprint.
  4. There is no starting gun or clock. You may begin the game at any point during your workout. The word "GO" is never to be uttered aloud.
  5. The game continues until you've conclusively decided the other person sucks.
  6. You can play against as many others during a workout as you like, or against the same person more than once. Look at it as a fartlek session.
  7. If you are running or biking, you are required to at least smile as you pass the other person, and why not you are faster than them! Extra points for saying, "Looking good," "Way to Go," or "Have a Nice Day." If it's someone you know and you are absolutely sure they are OK with it, you can go ahead and say, "YOU SUCK!"
  8. If because of playing the game, you blow yourself up and someone you were playing with goes past YOU, then you need to tell yourself that YOU SUCK. Don't worry--you'll get over it!

How to Play
You swim, run or bike faster than the other person. When playing in the pool, it's even better if you give the other player a head start at the wall, say like 15 seconds. When running or biking, slow down a bit to let the other person gain some time on you, otherwise they might catch on that you are fast or are about to sprint. Because then you can play YOU REALLY SUCK, depending on how much of a head start you gave them.

Once you decide it's GAME OVER, you are allowed to pump your fist in the air, smile gleefully or jump for joy, but you are not actually allowed to yell, "YOU SUCK" unless it's against your friend. Friends understand this because it goads them into training harder!

I haven't had the opportunity to play on the bike yet, but it will happen as soon as I get outdoors. More likely, I'll be the victim of someone else who's secretly playing WITH ME! I've played in the pool today and Wednesday. Sometimes I play on the treadmill, just by going faster than someone for a bit.


Joe B said...

Interesting. I play a similar game called "not today a$$hole" where I'm running along and pass someone and they pick up the pace or before I pass them they hear me coming and pick up the pace to keep me from passing. Then I just start to accelerate until after a little while, they turn off or just stop while grabbing their knees and try to keep from hurling while I run along.

Anonymous said...


I play this game all the time. Don't tell anyone. :-)

its fun, huh?

Crackhead said...

I like Joe's game, too. And I'm glad to hear others fess up to playing. Why pretend you're not in this to be faster than someone else? It's just racing practice!

Tammy said...

That's my favorite game on the bike! Um, as long as I'm the one being da rabbit. Otherwise, it's my least favorite game. :)

Cliff said...

I get a lot in the pool b/c swimming is my weakest part.

I play that game quite often. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose.. the more I play the better I get at winning.

Crackhead said...

Yes, it's a great game. I especially like playing with someone much younger than me. And I HATE it when someone MAKES me play. Like today, I'm doing my run (after 3 hours on the trainer, ouch), and this girl maybe 1/2 my age gets on the treadmill next to me. She sets the speed to the same as me, but every 30" or so she's grabbing the rails, which is my signal to begin the game (if you are holding on it is NOT running). So I increase speed once, twice, and wow, she managed to stay on for like 10'. Game over. And then because of that, I decided to extend my run by 5' at the end, "just because." Seemed like a good idea at the time!

Fe-lady said...

Oh so that's the name of the game I have been playing all these years! Did this in fact yesterday during my swim with a woman next to me (who was so full of herself I just had to) and a guy in baggy swim trunks who jumped in "my" lane when there was an empty one available....he didn't last long-could do fast 50s with paddles, but then had to stop and rest. NO endurance at ALL! Keep up the good work and am anxious to see how you do at Ralphs!

Anonymous said...

Shelia, I play this game too. I do it on the indoor track at the YMCA. The rule is that I just don't let anyone pass me. Whether they are running 3 laps or 30 laps (18 laps to a mile and I usually run at least 90 laps).

I am glad someone clarified the game for me.

:) said...

Glad someone finally put a name to this game I have been playing for so long...