Monday, October 20, 2008


I've not been blogging much lately. Why? Watch the video...been trying to have some semblance of a normal life while having my house upgraded. Bathroom remodeling begins tomorrow. I'm glad to have a work day free of contractors! I get a massage tonight! I had a wonderful weekend! I even managed to do a (nearly) Olympic distance NothingMan last Thursday, which I am calling GhettoMan. Even though I've been stressed out and tired, GhettoMan gave me hope that I can be up for a 1/2 NothingMan in November. I'm excited about going to Panama City Beach next week to be with some great people--Shelley, Brett, Forrest & Regina (rode bikes in their hood a few years back), then I hope to have a girl's weekend at my pad (with the new zebra carpet!), remodeling will be finished (until next year, anyway), and then some R&R at the homestead followed by a trip to Orlando (business) 2nd week of December, which I may extend either to race or just train in (hopefully) good weather. Sheesh--by that point I should be back in "regular" training, which means


Time is indeed precious, and I'm trying not to waste any. I will seek to control the things I can and let go of those I can't, and will do my best to be in the here and now. I like being timed, but I also like not being timed. Either way, time is precious. Apologies for the acid flashback, but I really liked Journey once upon a time, and am finding I still like them. I like big guitars, and I like certain chords, I like melodic music, and Journey has all that, plus I can sing along in Steve Perry's key!

Time is precious!

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