Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year's Day Cooking Orgy

I did not drink much at all last night. Nice to not wake up with a hangover on New Year's Day, as I have plenty of things to do while enjoying a day off from work.

I did some reading in bed, and then I motivated to cook around 7:15. Pics and description are here. I spent 4 hours cooking, and now I must work out so I can eat some lasagna later! I will also do the dishes later on...I hate doing dishes, but I did rinse or soak the gnarly ones so it won't be that bad, and I already cleaned off the stove.

It's gray and depressing weather here, but too bad, I'm enjoying my day. I'm going to lift weights first, and then get on the trainer for about 1.5 hours, or whatever I feel like--we'll see! I will get in at least 2 hours, though, as that is my threshold to eat something so incredibly bad for me but yet so tasty!

Happy New Year everyone!


Cyber Stalker said...

Happy New Year to you too! The food looks great. I'll be right over!

TriDaddy said...

Food looks great! Cooking on New Year's Day is one of my favorite things. I made homemade Crab Cake Benedict. Then ran an 8-mile tempo run on some hills at the local park!