Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekly Workout Totals 03/09/2009-03/15/2009 and Miscellaneous Stuff

I had a good week of training last week. In looking at the hours below, it doesn't include all my extra stuff, so in reality I put in about 16 hours, which is cool! I'm feeling strong--I am doing 50+ pushups a day now, and yesterday for the first time I did 7/6/5 chinups, so I may be closing in on the elusive 10 chinups straight, which will be a real marker for me.

On the weight loss front, I am at about 111.5 lbs. now, down from 114 just 2.5 weeks ago, so all is well there. In terms of where the weight is coming off of, it's a little around my belly and then it must be pretty equally everywhere else, because the only measurement on me that has gotten smaller is 2" below my waist and maybe 1/2" off my butt and hips. But that's exactly what I wanted. Another 1.5 lbs. and I'll be at my fighting weight of 110, and I don't feel skinny at all. I may even go splurge and get a precise bodyfat measurement done just so I know what's going on.

My diet is still far from clean...I like beer (1 a day most days) and some days I just have to reload all the calories I've burned off lest I feel like crap. Even though I've been eating below my needs at least 5 out of 7 days in the week, I don't usually feel especially hungry, but I am becoming aware of the need for more carbs as my training load is increasing steadily. The one thing I have done without for 2 weeks is any sort of candy (I have a special bag of jelly beans with my name on it for 2 weeks from now) and chips most of the time, although on Saturday after 3.5 hours of training, I had to have some Pringles, but just one serving, so not like I'm binging on them. I baked some cookies yesterday and had 2 of them, and the rest of them are being given away otherwise I'd eat them all!

As my training load increases, I am beginning to have cravings for things that I typically want during heavy training--rice pudding, massive amounts of sushi, Pringles, Cheetos, gummi bears, spaghetti carbonara (made with prosciutto) and big hunks of meat. In other words, I am about to make a 6 month guest appearance on the Food Channel!

But I am going to try and keep it fairly clean except for 1 or 2 days each week through next week, which was the promise I made to myself and want to keep. Once I am officially at 16+ hours per week (TWO WEEKS AWAY!!!!), though, all bets are off, and you'll hear me periodically chanting, "SUGAR, SUGAR, SUGAR" or "MEAT, MEAT, MEAT" or "FAT, FAT, FAT" depending on what my body is craving.

Did I say I love food? And exercise?

Spring is in the air now here. There are fat robins everywhere, birds singing early in the morning, I saw the migrating Sandhill cranes overhead yesterday, and the mallards are starting to get sexually aggressive. Tis the season!

Weekly Workout Totals 03/09/2009-03/15/2009
This week's totals are sponsored by the coming of spring!
Swim: 9800 yards (5.56 miles) in 3.43 hours; 23% of weekly workout time; approx. 1202 calories burned
Canadian: 8961.12 meters
Bike: Approx. 99.96 miles in 5.68 hours; 38% of weekly workout time; approx. 2870 calories burned; Total TSS=325
Canadian: 160.87 kilometers
Run: Approx. 30.33 miles in 4.6 hours; 31% of weekly workout time; approx. 2085 calories burned
Canadian: 48.81 kilometers
Strength: 1.33 hours; 9% of weekly workout time; approx. 333 calories burned
All Sports: Approx. 135.85 miles in 15.04 hours; approx. 6490 calories burned
Canadian: 8.07 kilometers
Sleep: 8.07 hours avg./night
Stretching: 2.37 hours. Massage: 1 hours

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