Sunday, April 05, 2009

Weekly Workout Totals 03/30/2009-04/05/2009 and Got it All Done Today

So I did the crossfit-type thing (see previous post), and then I did my 2:15 trainer workout which was this:
WU: 20' Easy, 40' Steady (80-85%), 5' easy
MS: 1 x 20' at FT, 5' easy
20' Steady (80-85%),
1 x 20' 88-93%
CD: 5' easy

Motherfucker my legs were trashed when I got to the last 20' interval at 88%. But the rest went pretty much ok ;) Not bad for having done a decent amount (150) of squats beforehand. Am I fit? I think so. Also when I got to that last interval, my body was screaming for additional carbs, even though I'd had a can of Coke and about 20 oz. of Gatorade. Usually that's plenty for a short-ish ride like this, but I did the shit beforehand so I needed more. Here are the stats for the ride:

Time: 2:15
kcal: 1332
TSS: 151
NP: 163 (IF=.795)
Distance: 44 miles
Pace: 19.6MPH

And when I finished, I suited up to swim and headed to the Y and swam 1500 yards--pretty easy stuff, but I almost did 2000 yards but stopped myself figuring I had done enough.

I got no stinking massage this week and really need one! I also need some decent fucking weather...I need to get in some outdoor riding, and I'm just not doing it if it's below 55 at this point. Although I can't complain--I've been racking up some pretty good TSS on the trainer, and that should make outdoor riding feel like a piece of cake.

OK so here it is--another big week as I continue my march towards Triple T. I included this morning's chinup/pushup/squat festival in the totals, but I actually did an additional .88 hours of crap which would bring me to a total of 18.5 hours for the week! No, I don't know where I find the time except I can tell you that I rarely watch any TV.

Weekly Workout Totals03/30/2009-04/05/2009
This week's totals are sponsored by seeing just how much I can take. I should take more.
Swim:10700 yards (6.07 miles) in 3.88 hours; 22% of weekly workout time; approx. 1359 calories burned
Canadian: 9784.08 meters
Bike:Approx. 131.9 miles in 6.85 hours; 39% of weekly workout time; approx. 4039 calories burned; Total TSS=461
Canadian: 212.27 kilometers
Run:Approx. 34.65 miles in 5.19 hours; 29% of weekly workout time; approx. 2343 calories burned
Canadian: 55.76 kilometers
Strength:1.72 hours; 10% of weekly workout time; approx. 430 calories burned
All Sports:Approx. 172.62 miles in 17.64 hours; approx. 8171 calories burned
Canadian: 277.8 kilometers
Sleep:8.07 hours avg./night
Stretching:2.88 hours. Massage: 0 hours

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