Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Goofy Toes--Surprise!

Check out the little guy next to my big toe :) I failed to mention in my Goofy Race Report that, of course, I had my toenails painted *PINK*. What else would a Crackhead do when she was planning on dressing in total pinkness for 2 consecutive races?

So last night I'm noticing my nail polish is a little worn and I'm looking at that toe (which has funky nail growth most of the time anyway, since that toe is longer than my big one on both feet), and I'm seeing a little darkness, so I pick away at the polish and then remove it totally and look what I found! YES!!! A black toenail! I haven't had one of these since my first and second open marathons in 1999.

So I forget how long it takes for these to go away, and if the nail falls off, great! I have a daily reminder of having done something big. My foot pain and knee pain have both been fixed, thank you very much, as a result of my diligent self-applied trigger point work (with a special thanks to Shelley for reminding me to work on my own frickin' quads!), and I'm back at it FULL STRENGTH ESPRESSO MODE.


Steven said...

I have the same "long toe syndrome" with those toes on my feet. They were always the first to go black, but I haven't had on since I switched from Nike to Asics years ago. I buy a size larger then I normally wear for the long running days. But leave your toe's a badge of honor!

TriZilla said...

Bwahahahahaha! The only thing that would make your Alter ego better is if you put (in really tiny letters) "Resistance is Futile!" Awesome.

Garou said...

I've had those from time to time. (Actually, I have a couple right now - they're holdovers from a really bad pair of shoes, and haven't grown back out yet). As far as I know, it can take months - but in the meantime, it is, as Steven said, a badge of honor. Wear it with pride.

Comm's said...

I usually go through 3 or 4 a year. Same toe or the pinky. This year I actually split a nail but it didn't die, flexibility I say! I actually had a nail turn black on me in November and it didn't fall off, but lifted and turned white like what you would clip off. Actually trimmed it off last week instead of ripping it.