Saturday, January 28, 2006

I Am Weak, but I'm Still a Featherweight

I went to the grocery store last night. I loaded up on Gatorade (the 32-oz. bottles of regular and the 30-oz. bottles of Endurance were just $1 each), fruit, string cheese, a couple of porterhouse steaks, Lean Cuisines for my lunches, Ultra Violence and some ingredients for pasta sauce I'll be making tonight.

I was feeling depleted and had salt cravings. My intention was to lay off the Pringles, Swedish Fish and beer for the next 6 weeks, but I caved. I grabbed a couple of bags of pretzel rods (which I consider an "ok" snack), but also 2 cans of Pringles. The "movie box" of Swedish Fish was on sale, so I grabbed 4 of those. And a 12-pack of Beck's, my staple. And a huge bag of beef jerky. I NEEDED SALT!

For dinner, I ate the entire bag of beef jerky, 6 pieces of pre-packaged sushi, 4 pretzel rods, 2 Beck's and 1/4 of a box of Swedish Fish. I woke up at 1:30AM feeling pretty hungry, but in deference to sleep, I opted to not get up and eat oatmeal, which is what I felt like having. I ran a calorie calculation in my head and I had eaten only about 2,500 for the day when I should have had 3,400. So no wonder I was awake and hungry! But I fell back asleep.

So lest you think that I eat perfectly, there you go. But I still weigh in at 112 lbs., and I still am finding it difficult to meet my daily calorie requirements which are running at about 3,500+. Why? I am used to being a little hungry, I don't eat a lot of any one snack item, and I don't eat big meals most of the time. But I will make up for a few days' of calorie deficit tonight, when all bets are off and I lay into a huge plate of pasta with sausage, onion and tomato sauce. Mmmmm...lots of salt, fat and carbs in there. And probably a few glasses of a good Cabernet Sauvignon.

Yesterday while running, it was pretty windy (sustained 10-20 with gusts to 30MPH), and I was about 3/4 mile from home, and I was running with a stiff southerly cross wind. Well at one point there was a gust, and both of my feet must have been in the air because I got blown off the road and onto the curb! Luckily, I didn't fall or anything, and I had such a good laugh over it! You KNOW you are light when the wind can pick you up!

So as long as I keep feeling good, holding my weight and nailing my workouts (read about that tomorrow), I'm not going to obsess about a daily beer, occasional Pringles or Swedish Fish. I'm still eating a fairly healthy baseline diet, but I just need to go with what my body wants. Tonight it's going to want salt, fat, carbs and some processed fruit :)


anarchic said...'re it. Enjoy and pass it along.

Crackhead said...

My metabolism is high for my size because of all the exercise that I do. My BMR is 2,000, then I get to add 500/day for "general stuff." My exercise burn rate is about 500 kcal/hour, and during the week I average 2 hours a day, so there's 1,000 kcal/day more I need.

Once I get outdoors for biking, the sky's the limit on weekends. Then some days I'll burn about 5,000, and believe me, it's tough to replace all that in a day. So typically, I'm on the "food channel" for 1-2 days after that.

I'm a good fat burner, too, from years of proper training. This is why you need to do easy workouts EASY and then hard ones HARD. It's the easy ones that teach your body to burn fat. Also, by keeping a steady stream of carbs in your bloodstream while you are working out (I drink Gatorade during EVERY workout), your body gets used to being fueled properly while exercising, further teaching it to become efficient at manufacturing energy.

Cliff said...

Lean mean fat burning machine. That's my aim for the next few years.

Beer should be the requirement for all endurance athletes. High in carbs, low in fat and some potassium. What else can be better?

Julie B said...

Wow. I can not imagine being 'able' to eat that much food and weigh 112 pounds. Kudos to you. You are working that fire, that is for sure.