Friday, July 20, 2007

Ironman USA Day 1 (cont'd) and Beginning of Day 2

The FLICKR folder has been updated:

I'm at McD's, unbelievably, for the second time this trip--today I'm just here because I woke up at my customary 3:30AM (4:30AM here in Lake Placid) and wanted coffee, and saw McD's has WIFI and they open at 5:00AM.

Yesterday I came to McD's because I was so fucking starved from my travel adventure Wednesday night that I got a Sausage McMuffin w/Egg. I needed that!

My pimp arrived about midnight last night and guess what the first thing out of his mouth was? "Does this hotel have wireless?" I about popped him one, but just laughed. He's zonked out snoozing while I'm contributing valuable content to the Internet!

This morning I'm going swimming, and rumor has it I will be hottie spotting. After swimming, I'm going to hopefully get on my bike (it pissed all day yesterday so no workouts) and then run, and then this afternoon is bag day (pack the transition bags). Hopefully, "someone" will be buying me maybe lunch and dinner--I don't really want to go to the carbo thing or athlete meeting.

Whereas yesterday I felt like complete and total crap from hours of travel and lack of sleep, today I feel rarin' to go--although if you ask Shelley, I was pretty wired yesterday from my most excellent caffeine adventure care of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (a fine customer of the company that I work for).

OK, I am recovered and ready to wreak havoc on this place, at least for today!

Crackhead over and this space for daily or even more frequent updates!

1 comment:

Fe-lady said...

You guys and gals are absolutely nuts!