Friday, July 20, 2007

Ironman USA Day 2


Pretty good day here. My pimp arrived late last night, and so with all my gear, him and everything all set up, today I was cued up for some workouts. It was pissing this morning, but hey, no big deal if you are going to swim.

Headed down there with Shelley, and met up with Cliff and Darren, and then all but Shelley went for a swim. I did 1.2 miles in a pretty good time for me, considering I was fucking around out there and swam by myself.

After I got out of the swim, it turned into a Crackhead spotting festival. Guys were coming up to me and either saying, "Sheila?" or "Crackhead?" and we'd chat and get some photos. Nice to put faces with names!

I hung around for Rich and Patrick's talk (didn't listen, though), only because I wanted to meet Patrick. I'm like the cobbler's kid--my coach is always talking to everyone but me, it seems. But I got my brief turn, and wow, I got some fake tattoos for my trouble (I already have some really nice ones queued up for race day). Do you detect the sarcasm? It's OK--I'm a little jaded about some of this stuff.

I went back to the ranch finally to get on my bike. I suited up in my brand-spanking-new Ironcamp kit, which I don't believe anyone else has worn yet, and man, it looks great with Bitchie, I think. I may wear it race day--not sure yet. Anyway, it sucks getting the hell out of town here on a bike with all the car traffic, but Shelley and I managed to get away and ride the run course, and that brought back some memories.

Next, I ran while Shelley picked up her sons from some play time. Then we all tried to get lunch. WTF is it with this town??? Places closed for lunch or they only have like 5 tables. We ended up at Tale of the Pup again, which was fine, because we know the menu and it's good. While there, we made up some really classic signs for Shelley's family to make to be put out on the course. I won't say what they are, only that I am pretty sure at least one will make the race video.

Then I downloaded all the pics to hard drive and put them up on Flickr (I'm at McDonald's again, but only drinking Powerade this time), and now I'm ready to go and fix some transition bags back at the ranch.

Dinner with some other trigeeks who may or may not like me--don't really care--people either groove on my personality or not. I could use some more sleep tonight as well--I did pretty well last night, but 2:15 of workouts and I'm a bit tired (and underfed).

More tomorrow...stay tuned!


Fe-lady said...

Thanks for pictures! Looks as if you are having a blast!

Trevor Oseen said...

Good luck!

TriDaddy said...

Checking in and sending some love for you on the run course!

Fe-lady said... did really well! Congrats on your 7th place!
Great times! You must really be partying NOW! Whoowhoo!

TriDaddy said...

Congrats on another IM!!!

TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

Congraulations on completing IM USA. I was following you, Kona Shelley, and your friends online all day. Woot!

Stay tuned...

Brett said...

Congrats on the race. I look forward to reading a massive race report. I hope you caught the good vibes I was sending you!

Kimberly Rae said...

CONGRATULATIONS you SEXY BITCH :o) on running a GREAT race. I don't know what your personal goals were but in my world anyone that commits to and finishes an IronMan is one bad ass person.

I came home after doing Harbor Lights Tri and tracked you, Dave Polkow and Karen till you were finished!

Hope you will enjoy a little well deserved down time now.