Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Day in the Life

Lest you think I have way too much time on my hands to be playing with streamers, here's how yesterday went down:

4:30AM Wake the fuck up. Take a shit (this is what wakes me up lately), get some coffee and a Power Bar. Visit the Internets.
5:30AM Take out the garbage, recycleables and some yard waste. Try and straighten up the mess of bottles and dishes
6:00AM Make Voodoo Mix, put defogger into goggles while taking yet another shit, put on swimsuit, put in contact lenses, look in mirror and shout, "IT'S SHOWTIME!"
6:15AM Drive to Y.
6:30AM Have some laughs with guys in the pool. Start 3,800 yard workout, and after finishing warmup, realize it's actually going to be 4,000 yards.
7:45AM Finish swim workout, get yelled at by Rasta Guard, head to shower, shave, change, drive home.
8:15AM Start working. First, assess crises by checking email and then start addressing them.
9:00AM First conference call of the day
9:45AM While on one phone line, another line rings, ask them if I can call back later, finish the conference call and doorbell rings. People are here to seal my driveway, so I move my car to my neighbor's driveway.
12:15PM Literally run out the door and go run about 7 miles, again, using Voodoo Mix, because, well, I need it now.
1:30PM Slam down Endurox R4 and heat something in the microwave for lunch and take a quick shower. Work, work, work
4:00PM All hell has broken loose at work, but I'm under control. Make a bunch of phone calls in order to triage the various situations. Doorbell rings around 4:15--it's my neighbor who needs to get into her driveway, so I move my car onto the street in front of my house.
5:30PM Done with work, lift weights for :45, since I've been putting it off since Monday. Think about whether I want to go run some errands. Decide not, I'm too fucking tired.
6:20PM Mow the lawn because we've been getting a lot of rain lately and figure I'll be too tired tomorrow to do it and besides I need to go to the bike shop right after work.
6:50PM Grab a beer and stretch for :25--this is a priority. Realize I should probably eat dinner. Put pot of water on stove to boil for some pasta. Check email.
7:45PM I am finally eating dinner. Think about watching some TV and maybe reading a little bit of the newspaper, decide I don't have time for it and try and relax while eating dinner ACTUALLY SITTING DOWN AT THE TABLE. Think that I should eat more because I have to run 2 hours in the morning, but my stomach can't handle it. Have some wine.
8:30PM Decide to enjoy spinning some records on my new turntable. The fidelity is unbelievable, and I'm very happy I didn't give away all my vinyl. Decide to assemble the streamers onto my race belt for Triple T, and in a flash, figure, OK take some pics, what the hell, upload them, do a quick blog post, go back downstairs and listen to a few more tunes.
9:15PM Decide I better get to sleep because I need to be up before 5AM to be running by 6AM.

4:30AM Wake the fuck up. I didn't need the alarm, which I had actually set, because, well, I needed to take a giant shit (AGAIN). Turn the coffee pot on. Don't bother putting actual clothes on, but apply Body Glide and suit up to run.
4:45AM Have some coffee and a Power Bar. Look at today's run workout. Fuck. 2 hours, but no worries I feel pretty good.
5:10AM Take another shit. My body is like a furnace lately.
5:15AM Put in contact lenses and get run bag ready to go, write this post (I type REALLY FAST).
5:30AM Go outside and look around the yard. It's only 41 degrees, so I'm running on the treadmill today.


1 comment:

Born To Endure said...

I wish I had 1/4 of your energy girl!!!