Saturday, October 29, 2005

Today's Workout

I got to do another brick today, in preparation for my 11/19 indoor half Ironman that I call ChickenMan. It's called that because last year (first annual), me and two friends went to Chicken Basket (best fried chicken in the ENTIRE WORLD) in Willow Springs afterwards to pig out. This year I'm doing it by myself. I've decided I am not planning any training or racing events for anyone else this year. I may occasionally invite someone else to a thing with me, but that will be the exception and not the rule.

Anyway, back to the workout--2 hours on the trainer total: 30' warmup, 2x15' (2') at HIM watts, 20' steady, 20' HIM watts, 20' cd, then run 30' as 10' easy (yeah right), 20' steady z2-z3 as I feel. The bike workout was good--all HIM and steady time was in the BCR, so 70' total! This is one thing I need to get more used to is riding in the BCR more often. I generally stay in the SCR, even though I can push appropriate IM watts in it, but I need to ride more often in the BCR to develop my muscular endurance. I am not like some guys, though, who will ABSOLUTELY NEVER ride in the SCR, even though they are messing up their chains.

When I started the run (after a 5' break to organize and transition from indoors to outdoors), I felt really, really light running up the hill just outside my front door. OK, so it's not a BIG hill, but I go up immediately as soon as I make the right turn out my driveway. I was trying to keep the running easy, and it felt easy, but I wasn't going to check my heart rate, and I didn't. I felt good! First mile: 8:28, nice aerobic HR. Not exactly "easy" mode, but almost :) Then 6.5' further, however far that was, and then turn around. 6.5' exactly back to the mile 1 point, and then last mile 8:10. Lately I always just kick it for the last mile, because what the hell, I'm going HOME.

I'm a little worn out from the workout, as I would expect. I really want to lay down for a bit, and so I shall.

Nutrition notes: I HATE Clif Shot Cola Buzz. Maybe I just now hate ALL Clif Shot and gels. But I LOVE CODE RED!!!! That stuff is just pure magic. I have a feeling this season I will switch to 100% liquid nutrition--a) I don't need that many calories per hour because I'm both small and very efficient (I don't burn that many calories and I'm a good fat burner) and b) if I just drink Gatorade and Code Red, I can get enough calories per hour plus ounces of fluid. It's good to be small!

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