Monday, November 28, 2005

Today's Workouts

Yikes I am tired today. Meaning I'm still sick. I am still not coughing, sneezing, wheezing or anything like that. Just plain old tired. Think it has something to do with running 6 days consecutively? Or how hard I've been training? I dunno. Maybe it's just a few days of the old "overtraining." At any rate:

7:47AM Swim 2500 53'. Was supposed to do 2800, but given my lungs didn't seem to be so happy in the water, and the lanes were mucked up at 8:30, I just decided to bag it. 2500 yards was plenty! I swam the main set with fins, because I just didn't have any "oomph."

2:19PM Run 45'. Included 10' strides. I didn't feel bad until I "wound it up" for the last 10 minutes on the indoor track. Ran an 8:02 mile. Pretty good for being sick!

I should have lifted today as well, but figured I probably shouldn't; will see how I feel tomorrow!

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