Friday, December 02, 2005

Today's Workouts

Today was a relatively easy day for me, workout wise. Thank God, because I needed one!

7:16AM Swim 2700 yards. Warmup: 300s, 300k, 200dr Main Set: 6x150 pull desc 1-6 20"RI pull buoy only; 6x100 pull desc 1-6 15"RI pull buoy+band; 6x50 pull desc 1-6 10"RI pull buoy+band+paddles cd: 100

I didn't have to do this workout at all, but I'm so used to swimming at least 3x per week, that I went ahead and added this on my own. Please note, my coach is well aware that I do this from time to time, and that I know what I'm doing and would not do anything to compromise the completion of my BT (breakthrough, which are generally the long run, long bike, quality bike and sometimes the long swim, but I'm not doing them just yet) workouts. This is what's called a "force" workout because of all the pulling, and I have the book Swim Workouts in a Binder, which is where I got it from. In the fall and winter, when I feel like it, I'll add a 3rd or 4th swim that's one of the force workouts, because I like doing them, and they are like doing another strength workout. I assume everyone knows what a pull buoy is. The band is a tense, elastic band that I put around my ankles in a figure eight twist. It makes pulling even harder. The paddles I use are the Tyr Catalyst, size medium, which when you add them to the pull buoy plus band, makes the swimming pretty damn hard! I'm usually kind of tired out by the end of these workouts, but more muscularly tired than aerobically.

I noticed while pushing off from the wall today (I don't do flip turns--I only began swimming in 2000) that my mid-/low-back did not go "hey" when I pulled my knees up towards my chest. This means my new commitment to lower back and hamstring stretching is working! Just goes to show you, small changes can have a big impact! There are other ways I'm noticing my greater flexibility--my massage therapist told me last night that she could feel my hamstrings relaxing into the massage much more quickly than usual. But I know I still have a ways to go. I don't think I'll restore my 135-degree flexibility by the end of this month, but I think there will be a significant change.

2:11PM Run 60'. I just ran easy to steady, and "wound it up" for the last 5 minutes. Treadmill running can be pretty boring!

I had a short call with my coach today. He sent me an email accusing me of cheesing out on my bike workout yesterday. I almost emailed him back, but then knew it would be a better idea to talk live, so I called, we straightened things out, and then he proceeded to tell me if I needed to dial it down that I could. I told him that no, I'm hanging in there, as long as I'm good about my nutrition, sleep and stretching, I'm doing fine. He does recognize that I have a pretty tough schedule right now. But hey, it's of my own doing--I'm the one that signed up for the Goofy Challenge!

I usually really look forward to this time of the year because I'm not training so much. But I AM training a lot, relatively speaking, and I have the fatigue to prove it! I am pretty much toasted by 7PM. But I know that after the Goofy Challenge, I'll be able to cut back a little on my running, which is what takes the toll on me, and my strength program will settle into more of a maintenance mode, although I have to say I'm very happy with my muscle bulk right now. If I get a chance, I'll take some pictures and post. You make the call. I think I look good, but I could be full of shit. If I had a tan, it would be better, but I'm not one for fake tanning, definitely not by UV light--I get more than enough of that in the spring through early fall--so I'm OK with being more pasty white in the winter. Luckily, my natural skin color is olive so I don't look like a total albino!

Work has not been too fun this week. Lots of angry customers and sales guys in my face. But I never take it personally, and I realize there's only so much I can do in any given day. Thank God for exercise!

I'm having a salty snack attack now--guess I'll break out some Pringles--but what I REALLY want it cheese popcorn. I'm going grocery shopping tonight, so I'll see if I can get one of those tiny bags, which will be enough to satisfy me. And there is a beer with my name on it, too.


Anonymous said...

You and I are using some of the same swim tools. I love the Workouts in a Binder book, in fact I swam Endurance workout B this morning, the longer version. I mainly use these workouts when my work schedule prevents me from going to masters practice. I also use the Catalyst paddles, size L...These have really helped me get my swim times down and build the functional strength in my back and shoulders. One other thing I do to add resistance is use 2 pull bouys, holding one between my thighs and the other between my ankles, instead of using the band.

Crackhead said...

Hi, jp. I only use the Workouts in a Binder when I do an "ad hoc" workout. The bulk of my swim workouts come from my coach, and they are good ones! But whenever I feel like adding an extra swim, out comes the binder!

For the 2 years I went self-coached, I created a swim progression using Workouts in a Binder, and it was really good for building endurance and speed. I would certainly recommend that anyone who is self-coached buy this and use it for building their swim program.