Tuesday, August 14, 2007

News of my Legs Demise has been Greatly Exaggerated

I did a brick workout today with Marty, and it was great. I rode Bitchie, and my watts have returned (maybe even gone up a teensy bit), and then we ran, and it was hard and fun. I told Marty that my legs felt pretty fresh because I only did 17 hours last week which was a bit of a mini-taper. I ran over 5 miles yesterday, and will go for about an hour tomorrow and 1:30 or so on Thursday and a brick on Saturday, so my running volume will be back where it needs to be.

In other news, a woman I'm riding with this Sunday took 4th overall in the Naperville Sprint Triathlon. I see her at the outdoor pool, so I looked at her and said maybe I'm not good enough to ride 100 miles with her. She then said her longest ride has been 3 hours, and I said, "Great, this should work out well." I had a devilish grin on my face, because I think I'll be riding pretty strongly, or at least I hope I will.

In other news, I played a little "bottle roulette" today. When I don't finish the contents of selected bottles during rides or runs, I either just put the entire bottle in the fridge or sometimes I combine contents into a single Franken bottle and then put into the fridge.

I had some UFB's (Unidentified Fucking Bottles) in the fridge, and thought there must be something good in there somewhere, so I pulled 2 of them out and started tasting. One I couldn't identify, as it was in a black bottle, so I poured the contents into a clear glass and it looked pretty much like, well, let's just say a bit milky, and I tasted it and I guessed it was Infinit (sidebar: wouldn't it be disgusting if it was something else?), so I decided to add that to a new bike bottle for today's workout and embellish it a bit more. I also had a can of flat Coke in the fridge, and hey, can't have too much caffeine, so I downed that, and then finally one more bottle that I guess had Voodoo mix in it, but I just tasted it and combined it into another bottle for swimming.


effendi said...

hehe - I'm not allowed to play bottle roulette ever since Julia and I started living together. Ah, the good old (scary) days

Oly said...

I think this may have just turned into my favorite blog.

I'm all about milky penicillin encrusted water bottles.

And the flat coke that's me to a T.

Jamie said...

You get points for at least taking your bottles off the bike. I usually just let 'em hang out for a few days until they get real ripe and have to do a good bleaching and scrubbing to get the funk out.