Friday, August 17, 2007

Tiki Hut Update

Well, I called this number thinking this is where Mattel might have the Tiki Hut in for refurbishing, but they had no record of a "Barbie" Tiki Hut.

Damn. Next, I'm going to try this place. Maybe I need to go ahead and get a full size Tiki Hut for myself. Wait a minute--Target carries Tiki Huts??? Check it out.

Where I live, stupid backyard gazebos are all the rage as status symbols. I think a Tiki Hut would liven up my yard a bit. And then when I'm going to ride with other people (see I inserted triathlon content), I could just say, "Let's meet up at the Tiki Hut." Or, "After we're finished riding, let's chill by the Tiki Hut."

Stay tuned...

In other actual triathlon news, I had a great run yesterday. This morning I'm swimming 8 billion yards or something like that at the outdoor pool, which hopefully has cooled off a bit. I am now in "pool whore" mode, because next week the YMCA pool is closed for a week of cleaning, and the outdoor pool goes to only afternoon hours beginning next Wednesday. Meaning I only get today and Monday (maybe Tuesday) to swim outdoors. Fuck... Then I will need to whore myself out to yet ANOTHER pool next week while the YMCA pool is closed. Luckily, there's another one about 3 miles from home. However, it's the home of the infamous 2005 pool rage incident, although I doubt they remember me. I will just show up in my pink sparkly swimsuit and all will be forgotten!

Did I mention I've been swimming so much (I still suck at it, though) that my lats have gotten bigger? I've been noticing some close-fitting tops feeling extra snug, so out comes the tape measure and voila, bigger lats. Alas, I will never have Barbie tits. So I'll just have to settle for a nice V-taper and great abs.


Born To Endure said...

I want to see your tiki hut!!! That will be super cool if you get one!!

Steve Stenzel said...

I hear ya about the Y pool being closed. Mine is doing that next week for A MONTH!!

Oly said...

Damn, some times I eat at the Y.

I hate it when it's closed.

Crackhead said...

I usually thank those who eat at the Y.